Music evening

Musikabend 7.12.2023 Viva la Vida

Welcome to an hour of best soothing entertainment in the dark season.


Art and theater trip (Y8/9 and IB13) to Morawa Castle, Polands Morawa, Polen

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From November 8 to 12, 2023, 6 middle school students from years 8/9 and 9 upper school students from the IB13 Visual Arts course traveled to Morawa Castle in Lower Silesia, Poland, to work intensively on theater and art projects. The students met Polish peers from nearby Swidnica, with whom they worked as a team on their productions. This year, the theme of all the workshops was "A Different World". Under the direction of Bernard Szulc, who also organized the entire project trip to Poland, the middle school students from the NMS and the Polish partner school created small theater scenes that were performed at the end.


"De-fashioning Education" workshop at the UdK

De Fashioning

On 15 September 2023, Mr Wingerath and Ms Baumann's advanced art class took part in "De-fashioning Education" at the UdK to learn more about sustainable fashion and recycling old clothes into new pieces.

A week before the excursion, we were given the choice between two workshops: Stitch N’ Bitch or Cradle to Cradle.

On the day of the event, we met at 11 a.m. in front of the UdK Fashion building. Once everyone had gathered, we entered the building and received our workshop wristbands. Finding the workshop room was straightforward, as many of us had participated in a three-day workshop at UdK just a few months prior.

The workshop commenced with a presentation by the two organizers, who shared insights into their backgrounds and what inspired them to start the workshop.


Celebrating the First NMS Integration Bee


Recently, in an adapted from MIT integral calculus competition, our students from Abitur and IB have come together for the first event of this kind at our school. Coming head-to-head with others in solving definite and indefinite integrals, the Chaotic Integrators team won! 

It was great to see the school community, including teachers and spectators from different grades, come together to enjoy Math! The participants improved their Integration skills, and many said that the event was much better than they expected. See the pictures attached above!

This is a stepping stone in fostering a thriving Math culture at NMS, through events, competitions, and regular club meetings that contribute to helping students gain confidence in the classroom, solve exciting Math puzzles, and take part in various competitions.

If you want to see events like this thrive in our school community, get involved in an existing initiative of the Maths department. We are grateful to the Friends for their support in this and other activities organized by the department.

rstützung bei dieser und anderen vom Fachbereich organisierten Aktivitäten sehr dankbar.



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On October 6th, our students participated in a "Terry-Fox-Run" at NMS.

We named this run after Terry Fox, a Canadian, who was diagnosed with cancer when he was 19 years old. Despite his diagnosis, Terry Fox ran all across Canada in order to raise donations for cancer research. In order to honor his legacy and continue to raise donations, schools in Canada have a "Terry-Fox-Run" each year.

Registration for Year 1

It’s that time again! Registration for Year 1 in Berlin schools starts on October 9th, 2023 and runs until October 20th, 2023. 

If you want to register your child for the Nelson Mandela School, click here to learn about the process and to download the registration form.


Written all over their faces

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The students of 9a have a lot "written on their faces" - in this case, song lyrics or lines that the portrayed students have chosen. Fascinating self-portraits in writing have been created at the beginning of this school year 2023_2024, which show a high sensitivity and expressiveness. 

Enclosed is a small selection...enjoy!


Spain Exchange

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Our exchange students from Seville arrived on September 18, 2023! We all are so excited to have them! A mother wrote: "It was wonderful to see our kids full of excitement, waiting for them with all their signs at the airport. We, of course we’re very nervous, but as soon as the children came through the security, hugs were exchanged and everyone was sooo happy."


Duke of Edinburgh's Award Trial Expedition

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On the 29th of August set off on our trial expedition to Grünheide Mark. We mapped out 28km route ourselves and used only our compass and homemade maps to guide us. We carried our clothes, cookers and tents ourselves on our backs which was definitely taxing. Despite some challenges, like having only brought pasta and having it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Or struggling through rainy weather. In the end we persevered and successfully made it back to the station, we would definitely recommend the program to others - just make sure you're up to the hike! Now that we've done this we all feel much more prepared for the much more challenging real expedition ahead of us.

Amelia, 11d


NMS students’ zines at the zine festival

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For the first time ever our school’s students' zines have been displayed during the Zine
Queer Zine Fest Berlin is a yearly celebration of zine culture, community, and diversity. This
year’s festival took place on Saturday 10th September at the Jugendclub Schloßstraße and
featured our students' work. The whole chill area was dedicated to zines made by our
students. The festival itself featured not only many zinisters selling their work, but many
workshops about zine history, screen-printing, zine crafting table and Berlin Mobile Zine
Visitors of the festival truly enjoyed discovering zines made by NMS students and learned a
lot from their unique perspective.


1st round of the Mathematics Olympiad 2023 at Nelson Mandela Schule in Berlin

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The competition is aimed at all students in grades 5 to 13.
For years 7-13, there will be a voluntary short information on Thursday 14th th September from 13:05 until 13.25 in room N 1.8.


Lisa Paus, Laura Neugebauer und Corinna Balkow meet “Schule der Vielfalt” @ NMS

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One year ago, in May 2022, Nelson-Mandela-Schule joined the "Schule der Vielfalt" network to publicly commit itself to being a school where people of all genders and sexual orientations can feel comfortable and welcome. On 10 July 2023, Lisa Paus (Member of the German Bundestag and Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth), Laura Neugebauer (Member of the Berlin House of Representatives and spokesperson for queer issues), and Corinna Balkow (Member of the Bezirksverordnetenversammlung Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf) visited us to get to know the "Schule der Vielfalt" network and to get an impression of what it means when a school is committed to increasing acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex and asexual (LGBTQIA+) people.