
NMS Pride day 2024

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On July 2nd the NMS school celebrated its 3rd annual Pride Day. 

It was another successful day that strengthened the NMS support for the LGBTQIA+ community. 

While the day started with an assembly In the primary school, the secondary school kicked the day off with some music in the courtyard. 

Then in the secondary, classes organised their own workshops or activities. 

In the primary school there were activities set up in the foyer, conference room and Aula for the students to enjoy.


How did Goethe and Schiller live?

Weimar 2024

How did Goethe and Schiller live?

The students of the 2nd semester found out on 4.7.24 on an excursion to Weimar, which concluded the semester topic "The idea of man in the classical period". The program included not only the Goethe and Schiller House, but also the famous Anna Amalia Library. Unfortunately, the weather was not classically beautiful, but this did not detract from the relaxed atmosphere.


"Jugend debattiert" - The Grand Finale at the NMS

Jugend debattiert

"Should girls and boys be taught separately?", "Should a mobile phone-free day be introduced at NMS?", "Should compulsory military service for men and women be introduced in Germany?" or "Should school trips only take place within Germany?"

The best teams from years 8-10 debated these important questions in German (partner or mother language) in front of their year groups in the Aula on 1.7.24 in the big intra-school "Jugend debattiert" final. The competition was moderated by Ananya and Lilith (both 10d) and Merle and Selma (both 10a).

At the end, the very competent jury (Alexandrine, Isabelle, Bendix and Hugo from 10b) announced the winners: In year 8, Henriette and Esther (8a) won in the mother tongue, Anandi und Ryan (8cd) in the partner language.

The school winners were Lynn and Richard (9a) in the mother tongue and Semi and Sophia (9cd) in the partner language. Congratulations on this great success!

We are already looking forward to the final rounds next school year, because the winners there will then represent NMS in the national "Jugend debattiert" competition.


IB in the OR at the Vivantes and Charité education campus

Umlagern OP 002

"This is like Grey's Anatomy!" The visit to the BBG Berliner Bildungscampus für Gesundheitsberufe gGmbH (link: https://www.bildungscampus-berlin.de/ ) on June 22, 2024 made a big impression on the IB Biology course! Future surgical assistants (OTAs) are trained in original operating theaters on the grounds of Vivantes Neukölln Hospital in practical teaching units. Our students were able to gain a compact insight into everyday school and work life in four hours.

At the beginning, all the participants were "smuggled" into the operating theater, i.e. their everyday clothes were exchanged for the green scrubs with hoods.  After an initial overview of the occupational field and the day's program, hand hygiene was on the agenda. "Disinfecting your hands correctly can save lives, as most infections in hospitals (nosocomial infections) are transmitted via this route," says Maik Jelinski, medical educator and teacher at the BBG. And so that the result could be checked, the disinfected hands were held under a black light lamp to show any gaps in wetting, oha, some places were forgotten!


Berlin's leading education politicians as guests

Besuch Günther Wünsch

For the Nelson Mandela School, 5 June 2024 will be remembered as a historic event: For the first time since the school was founded in 2000, a school senator will visit our school. Senator Günther-Wünsch, herself a former deputy headmistress and at times a specialist teacher in Namibia and South Africa, was accompanied by her State Secretary for Education of the State of Berlin, Christina Henke, as well as Sandra Khalatbari, Member of Parliament and Chairperson of the Committee for Education, Youth and Family Affairs, who has a special connection to our school as a former member of the General Parents' Council, and the Head of Department of Centrally Administered Schools, Grit Orgis.

Ninety minutes of lessons pass quickly, as did the eventful day with our political guests, which began with a lively exchange on educational policy issues with representatives of the school management, the committees and the student representatives of the NMS. The Senator focussed in particular on the concerns of our pupils.


Summer Time

Einladung Sommerkonzert

We cordially invite you to our music evening on June 27th 2024 at 6:00 pm in the Aula. On this evening, the NMS-PopChoir and the school orchestra will present a colorful program of classical, a capella and pop music. We look forward to spending a musical time with you and presenting the results of our rehearsal week.  



Reading with Bov Bjerg at our school

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A special event took place at our school on 5 June 2024: The Berlin author Bov Bjerg read from his novel ‘Auerhaus’. All 10th graders took part in the reading and were very interested in the lively reading and the themes of the book.

After the reading, the pupils had the opportunity to ask the author various questions. The topics ranged from specific aspects of the novel to personal questions about Bov Bjerg's life and career.

The pupils were given fascinating insights into the author's creative process and the background to


We would like to thank Bov Bjerg for his visit and the inspiring reading.


European elections 2024 - 13 hours in action for democracy


It started on June 9th at 7:00 a.m.: 7 students from the politics course marked polling station 122 in Steglitz, set up voting booths and hung up flags. From 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., our team verified 519 voter credentials and handed out ballots. During the count (see picture) it turned out that not all of them were valid and some contained curiosities. At around 8:00 p.m. we were able to submit the final result and were pleased with the mathematically perfect results. Many thanks to the volunteers for taking on this position!


European elections - more important than ever!

On June 4, 2024, the Geography GK's Q2 and the LK Q2 visited the European House in Berlin with Ms Wandtke & Ms Müller. In an inspiring lecture followed by a discussion, Frenchwoman Claire reaffirmed the importance of the EU in securing peace in Europe, the benefits of the EU for every citizen of an EU country and the importance of a democratic process in decision-making within the EU. She made it clear that voting in the European elections on 9 June 2024 will determine the future political direction of the European Parliament and that every voter should be aware of this responsibility. The pupils were later able to answer the questions in the Wahl-O-Mat and take a stand in the ‘Experience Europe’ exhibition.

Our call to all: Use your vote on 9 June 2024.

A. Müller & F. Wandtke


The climate crisis concerns us all

From May, 2  to May, 31, 2024 the interactive poster exhibition on the climate crisis was a guest at the NMS P30. The exhibition was created by pupils from the Max Planck School in Kiel with scientific support from the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel. Many pupils from our school from Y7-Y12 were able to visit the exhibition this week, mostly as part of their geography lessons, and activate and consolidate their knowledge of the climate crisis. It became clear to everyone that it is important to act now. Climate protection is a task that concerns us all and that we can only achieve together!   

Ein Bild, das Text, Schrift, Handschrift, Kalligrafie enthält.Automatisch generierte Beschreibung

Climate Action Now- A Race We Must Win.                  


Anke Müller & Department of Geography & the LK Geography Q2


‘Hei, Berliin!’ - Visit from Tallinn

Tallinn Besuch

On Monday, 3 June 2020, a group of students from Tallinna Saksa Gümnaasium in Estonia came to class 11b's German lesson to talk to our students about school, everyday life, future prospects, the impact of the war in Ukraine and other topics. The meeting came about spontaneously when some of our teachers visited the Tallinn secondary school in October 2023 as part of an Erasmus+ Workshop on digitalisation.

We will definitely continue to maintain this very nice contact!           


Nelson Mandela Exhibition A Long Walk To Freedom


We did it! Class 7a worked for a long time and with great attention to detail to complete the Nelson Mandela exhibition! All 7a- students are very proud of their work- deservedly so! We wrote the texts during our English lessons as part of the topic (auto)biographies. We would like to thank Tara McCarthy (Year 11), who visits our English lessons every Tuesday and patiently supported the students in revising their texts.

The banner, A LONG WALK TO FREEDOM, according to the title of Mandela’s autobiography which now is hanging in the foyer and in front of the secretary's office, was painted during our English class as well. You can see patterns which are inspired by the South African Ndebele art, are painted with fabric paint, and then printed with the corresponding letters. Anyone standing in the foyer can now read: A Long Walk To... and then must walk a little way to the corridor leading to the secretary’s office to complete the title...FREEDOM. This walk symbolizes the long way Nelson Mandela had to walk to lead his country to freedom. At the same time, it is representative of the path we travel every day as an international school community.

Finally, I would like to particularly thank Ines Britze and Detlef Wingerath for their huge support in organizing materials, completing and installing the exhibition! Thank you so much!

Enjoy your visit to our exhibition. Stayin front of each exhibit and read what our 7a pupils have written about Mandela's life.


Constance Velazquez ( homeroom teacher, 7a)