Learning Objectives
In this section you will find the learning goals of the Berliner Rahmenlehrpläne for Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Integrated Science broken down into straightforward learning objectives for the pupils. The aim of these objectives is to help pupils stay on track with their learning and to assist them in revising prior to exams.
Please note that these are not official documents and they will be updated from time to time as we continue to develop them.
Integrated Sciences (Y7 and Y8):
Biology (Y9 and Y10):
Chemistry (Y9 and Y10):
- Objectives Review Y7 and Y8
- Objectives Chem Y9 - Acid and Bases
- Objectives Chem Y9 - Hydrocarbons
- Objectives Chem Y10 - Hydrocarbons
- Objectives Chem Y10 - Alcohols
- Objectives Chem Y10 - Carboxylic Acids
- Objectives Chem Y10 - Ester
Physics (Y9 and Y10):
- Objectives Phy Y9 - Electric Current, Voltage, Resistance, Power
- Objectives Phy Y9 - Electric Charge
- Objectives Phy Y9 - Uniform and Accelerated Motion
- Objectives Phy Y9 - Force and Acceleration
- Objectives Phy Y9 - Magenetic Fields and Electromagnetic Induction
- Objectives Phy Y10 - Radioactivity and Atomic Physics
- Objectives Phy Y10 - Energy Changes in Nature and Technology
- Objectives Phy Y10 - Mechanical Waves and Optics
Thanks to the support of the NMS Friends I had the opportunity to take part in a program about artificial intelligence. In this programm one learns some basics of programming and how AI works in general. To finish off the program, small groups create projects with AI for the greater good of the society, e.g. AI in medicine or for disaster relief. With the knowledge that I have gained in the course, I am planning on doing workshops and create an AG about AI for the other students at NMS. I am very excited about this opportunity and to see some people interested in AI next year!
Anneke Linh Bussert, Q2
Grade 10, Julian Krauspe
This video was created by Julian from 10B for a presentation in physics class. It is a sketch of a nuclear power plant with a pressurised water reactor under the topic of atomic physics. - written by Julian Krauspe
Grade 11, Stella Liebenberg
Collage (pdf)
We had the task to create a poster on the topic of motion with the help of our textbook. I wanted to explain and highlight the differences between uniformly accelerated and uniform motion. To do this, I made up this green character which can give you helpful information and explain the concepts with the help of examples. To explain everything well I used different types of visualisation including diagramms, pictures and texts. - written by Stella Liebenberg
Q2, Aoibheann Kavanagh
Collage (pdf)
This collage is meant to explain oscillatory circuits. To explain the topic Aoibheann compared the circuit to that of a spring-mass system, showing that the models function in very similar ways with the only difference being that they depend on different components. - written by Aoibheann, Physics GK, Q2
Buzz Words
The Buzz Words program has been designed by our teachers as a collection of some 400 words that play a key role for their subject curricula and therefore deserve our special attention.
The Heads of Departments and all subject teachers have agreed to introduce these words very carefully and to practise their usage in the classroom. It is our goal to ensure that our students not only know these words, but consider their usage as part of a professional discourse in the various subject areas.
This link will lead you to the Buzz Words site of our school.