Friends of Nelson Mandela School

Become a member of the Friends of Nelson Mandela School!



Forms and documents

Any questions regarding membership issues? Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

WHY become a member of the Friends. 

Because children need Friends.
As a state school, funding for syllabus-related, extracurricular and/or material improvements is sometimes limited. You will be joining a growing membership whose efforts raise over €100,000 for essential  projects annually. Here is an overview of what the Friends have fundet at 2023

Membership form:
The application form is available online and for download. It is one small step to sign up and one giant leap for our children.

Bank account details:

  • Account holder: Förderverein der NMS
  • IBAN: DE63100900001020232001

Donation receipts:
You can deduct your membership fees and donations from your taxable income within the limits as set by § 10 b EStG (section 10 b of the German Income Tax Act). The tax ID of the association is 27/665/69566 (Finanzamt für Körperschaften I). Latest confirmation from the Finanzamt of the Friends' charitable status.

For contributions up to EUR 300, you can hand in your bank statement or a bank transfer confirmation. For contributions over EUR 300, we will send you a statement that fulfills the official requirements. 

Who we are

The Friends of Nelson Mandela School is an independent, state-registered volunteer parent organisation created to foster outstanding academic, interpersonal and infrastructural development within the Nelson Mandela School community (see also the statutes, in German). Since its inception in 2000, the association has worked closely with staff, students and interested parents and members from the NMS community to maintain and improve the school’s educational facilities and materials. Our activities are funded entirely by membership fees, individual and corporate donations and fund-raising events held throughout the school year. Parent support is vital; each contribution, in cash or in kind, furthers our ability to provide a learning environment in which our children can thrive and excel. Come and join us.

The Friends Board members, representing the member community:

Dr. Wolfgang Nothhelfer: Chair
Olivia Rauber-Campbell: Deputy chair
Dieter Mohr: Treasurer
Celli Lichman: Assessor
Brid Ni Chathain: Assessor

Address: Pfalzburger Straße 30,10717 Berlin

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Friends of NMS on Facebook: 

How we work

The board meets regularly and publicly to discuss current issues and, in particular, the funding applications that have come in. If you have a project or an idea that needs funding, download the funding application form (pdf or Word format), fill it in, and send it to us. Please take our funding criteria into account when applying. More details on the funding applications that we have decided on are in the minutes below.

More information

2024: 2024: Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 28. Mai 2024 (Part 1) (Part 2)

2023: Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 28 November 2023

2023: Funding list 2023

2021: Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 28 September 2021

2020: Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 29 September 2020Spend 2020 / Budget 2021 (AGM 24.11.2020), Membership Campaign 2020, Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 24 November 2020

2019: Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting, 28 January 2019, Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 12 June 2019Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Friends and Budget, 20 November 2019

2018: Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 19 March 2018, Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 3 July 2018

2017: Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 28 March 2017, Minutes of the Members Meeting, 17 July 2017

2016: Minutes of the Annual General Meeting and Financial Report, 06 April 2016

2015: Audit report for 2014, Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 24. March 2015, New Constitution, Financial report 2014Audit Educational Package 2014-2015

2014: Update on Centralised Book Orders / IT and Library FeeMembers meeting, 02 July 2014, Audit report 2013, Members meeting, 26 March 2014 (together with Parent Council (GEV) meeting)

2013: Members meeting, 29 October 2013

2012: Annual General Meeting 1, 20 March 2012, Annual General Meeting 2, 30 May 2012, Audit report 2012

2011: Summary of activities 2011, Audit report 201,Board meeting, 25 January 2011, Annual General Meeting, 25 January 2011, Audit report, 22 February 2011, Treasurer report for 2010 (in German), NMS library financial summary for 2010, Members' Meeting, 22 March 2011

2010: Board meeting, 12 January 2010, Board meeting, 02 March 2010, Annual General Meeting, 02 March 2010, Audit report, 09 March 2010 (in German), Board Meeting, 27 April 2010, Board meeting, 8 June 2010, Board meeting, 5 October 2010, Board meeting, 30 November 2010

2009: Annual General Meeting, 27 January 2009, Audit report, 09 March 2009, Board meeting, 27 April 2009, Board meeting, 23 June 2009, Board meeting, 29 September 2009, Board meeting, 10 November 2009

2008: Annual General Meeting, 29 January 2008, Board Meeting, 03 March 2008, Members' Meeting, 23 April 2008 (in German), Board Meeting, 23 April 2008, Board Meeting, 26 May 2008, Board Meeting, 30 June 2008, Board & Members' Meeting, 13 October 2008, Board Meeting, 25 November 2008

2007: Board Meeting, 19 June 2007, Board Meeting, 03 July 2007, Board Meeting, 30 August 2007, Board Meeting, 25 September 2007, Board Meeting, 27 November 2007