Addiction prevention program at NMS Secondary

The secondary educators work closely with the students to address issues related to addiction and safe media use. The educators are in regular contact with the school management, parent committees, local support organisations and the Berlin Police.

If problems are identified, support and information about where to get help are offered to the students and parents concerned.

If you have any individual questions or concerns, please request an appointment with one of the secondary educators. You can reach them by phone or e-mail.

Here is an overview of the topics covered by the prevention program. Please note, there may be additions and changes as the program is regularly updated to respond to current issues and concerns in particular classes or grades.

7th Grade

  • Forest Workshop Waldschule Zehlendorf
  • Social media (using it safely and understanding potential risks)
  • Mobile phones – reflecting on how and how much they are used
  • Cyberbullying (film, discussion and questionnaire)
  • Class workshops and parents’ evening with Berlin Police prevention officers (cyberbullying)
  • Antidiscrimination and antiracism workshops and black history class student workshops

8th Grade

  • External workshop with Karuna on alcohol
  • Workshop based on Hackedicht / Condrobs program (alcohol)
  • Class workshops with Berlin Police prevention officers (cannabis and German laws on drugs)
  • Antidiscrimination and antiracism workshops and black history class student workshops

9th Grade

  • Class workshops with Anne Wilkening: cannabis and ‘party drugs’

Other issues may be addressed as relevant to each class

10th Grade

  • Inner peace: meditation / dealing with exam stress
  • Individual consultations on career options

Ongoing projects and activities covering all grades:

  • Peer mediation
  • Prevention projects according to current needs and issues
  • Close cooperation with Log-In addiction-related support and advice for young people and their parents (support available in English), as well as with other organisations

Compiled by NMS Secondary educators and PEPtalk prevention group