Partnering with the Home of Legends



Given Rapholo, Paul Curtis and Christopher Langhans travelled to Mthatha in March to discuss the cornerstones of our new exchange with St John’s College in Mthatha, the home of legends. Our team was able to build a rapport with students and teachers, explore the possibilities regarding the logistics and nature of the exchange, and meet a wide variety of invested individuals and parties.

The contact was established through the global UNESCO coordination in Paris and, eventually, the South African National Coordinator and National Department for Education member, Mamela Fuzile.

On our arrival in Mthatha, we received an unprecedented warm welcome at the airport from students, alumni, and teachers with performances, songs and traditional dress. The school also organised a welcoming reception which was followed by many productive meetings to discuss the funding and purpose of our future exchange. 

Second success in the UNESCO reading competition


On 21.03.2023 the reading competition of the UNESCO Project Schools in Berlin took place on the topic "Strong Children" for the 6th and 7th grades.
The Nelson Mandela School was successfully represented by two students:
Elisabeth (grade 6) took a fourth place and Rasmus from grade 7, like last year, took a third place. Congratulations for this great performance!


Harmony Day 2023

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Last week on Tuesday, March 21st was 'The international day to eliminate racial discrimination', also known as Harmony Day in some parts of the world. We took this opportunity in the primary school to reflect on what classes are doing to promote inclusion and anti-racism in their classes. A presentation was created and shown at an assembly on Friday the 24th of March.

Theater-Dance Performance and Project Week

The project week was a dance-theatre workshop related to the performance piece “Patterns”, that was performed at Ballhaus Naunynstrasse. It was conceived of by Magda Korsinsky and was developed together with the Black women* performers. It was based on their everyday experiences as Black women*. 

The choreographer/director Magda Korsinksy reconceived the piece for NMS students and came on the first project day to introduce the work and then her assistant Tatiana Mejia Matos and the musician from the play, Jarita Freydank, continued the workshop for the rest of the week leading up to the assembly on March 24th. One group of fifth grade students and one group of sixth grade students participated and each group created their own piece with movements based on the patterns of their lives. Such patterns included talking to friends, cooking with a parent, or playing video games. One student from each group learned to accompany the dancers on the drums. The dance was performed at all three assemblies so that the entire student body could experience this performance piece based on the patterns of the lives of NMS students.

Mit Erasmus+ in Finnland

Aus einem Zeitungsbericht aus Finnland / From a newspaper report from Finland

The Nelson Mandela International School from Berlin undertook a 2-week dive into the Finnish education system in order to explore how STEAM and phenomenon-based learning look like in the everyday reality of a school. Twelve students and seven teachers were hosted by Experience Workshop in Jyväskylä, and the Viitaniemi lower secondary school became their partner school. During these intensive two weeks, students visited the classes at the Viitaniemi school on an everyday basis, teachers divided their time between jobshadowing and teacher training.

Model United Nations Conference

On Friday 10th and Saturday 11th, 6 students from Grades 8 ,9 and 11 took part in BMUN, the Model United Nations conference hosted by the Katholische Schule Liebfrauen, Berlin.
The students were part of several committees which discussed topics related to the banner
theme of Solidarity in Advancing Sustainable Development For All.
The conference not only provided the students with a platform to use their debating skills
but also, an arena where they honed their persuasive, diplomatic skills.
They also were able to make new friends and interact with students from other Berlin
Our students executed their roles well but particular praise goes to Tom 9a and Sergey 11b
who won the Best Delegate Award in their committees of ECOSOC and the Security Council
These conferences provide an excellent opportunity for our students to engage in topical
issues. The MUN group are eagerly preparing for the next conference.

Reading by Lutz van Dijk from "Kampala - Hamburg" on 26.1.23

This year, for the first time, queer victims were also commemorated in the Bundestag's annual hour of remembrance for the victims of National Socialism. This had been achieved by a petition of the successful youth author Lutz van Dijk.

Our school was fortunate that Lutz van Dijk, who lives in Amsterdam and Cape Town, came to Berlin for this commemoration and could be won by the German department for a reading from his novel "Kampala - Hamburg" in front of the 10th grade students.

From a young age, Lutz van Dijk's eventful life was marked by political commitment against poverty in the South African townships, against discrimination against queer people and for the memory of the victims of National Socialism. At the reading held in the auditorium, he therefore impressed not only with his novel, but also with many personal stories and emphasised again and again how important it is to set goals in life and to believe in their realisation.

Ballad festival of the 7th grade

On January 25, the 7th grade celebrated the annual Ballad Festival in the aula. Representatives of all 7th grade German courses delighted the audience with entertaining and exciting productions of famous ballads such as "Der Erlkönig" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe or "Der Handschuh" by Friedrich Schiller.


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To honor the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust on January 27th, the Elective "Duke of Edinburgh Award - Training" went on a search for traces in the Bavarian Quarter this week. There we were able to learn more about the biographies of Jewish residents with the help of an audio walk about the history of the quarter under National Socialism. In addition, we were able to clean some Stolpersteine along the way and thus commemorate the victims inscribed on them. Thanks to the efforts of the Elective participants, many stones in the Bavarian Quarter are shining again and catch the eye of passers-by.

Grundkurs Ski 2023

The first Abitur-Skitrip took place this year. A group of 24 students from grades 12 and 13 spent a week in Seeboden, Austria. They were accommodated in a chalet and commuted to the nearby ski area on the goldeck mountain. The students ranged from beginners to those who had been skiing since they could walk. Skiers of all abilities were welcome. Divided into two groups, they learned the basic techniques of alpine skiing - from short swings to carving. Of the slopes, they held presentations about the mountain climate, history, and culture of the ski-sport. The students spent their free time competing in a group tournament - complete with boardgames, puzzles and synchronized skiing. They also had time to enjoy the beatiful scenery on the mountaintop and the regional delicacies available at the Skihut. A warm thank you to Herr Röthenmeier and Herr Schauer for organizing and supervising the trip!

Welcome Class at the German Bundestag

We, a Ukrainian welcome class, were very happy to receive an invitation to visit the German Bundestag from Michael Müller, Member of the Bundestag and member of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

The excitement among the students was very great, because it was not only the first time where they could visit the premises of a European Parliament, but it was also an exciting guided tour with Mr. Müller.

Overall, we were very impressed by the openness and warm-heartedness of Mr. Müller and his staff as well as the fact that such tours are offered.

Just the feeling that you are concerned about the premises of the institution, where all German politics is made before your eyes (more on that later), makes you very happy and curious at the same time.

Saving the Planet

"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it"  Robert Swann

One of the latest most dramatic climate action taken was when climate activists glued themselves to an airport tarmac in Berlin and Munich this December.

At the Nelson Mandela School, we tried to do it differently. As a matter of fact, the "Saving the Planet" is a unit that Q3  work on every year. The idea of the unit is to involve our students in understanding the problems facing our planet and involving them in researching and looking for solutions themselves through a video.

The War In Our Eyes

“It was during those long and lonely years that my hunger for the freedom of my people became a hunger for the freedom of all people.” – Nelson Mandela

At the Nelson Mandela School parents of 9abcd were invited to an evening with WWI poetry. The topic of WWI is an important one in year 9 and also covered not only by the English Department but also by the Social Sciences Department.
The world has not been without war for a long time. At the moment we hear of multiple conflicts breaking out all over the planet, and there is even one that is raging close to our borders as we speak.
We hope in the English Department that by tackling the theme of war that we can bring comprehension and understanding to our students that war is never the solution, but freedom, peace and respect for the common human values that we share are the way forward in every conflict.

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Nihal Adler