Dear Members of the Nelson Mandela School Community,

An eventful and turbulent year, as it touched our school as well as its impacts on the larger world, is now slowly coming to a close.

Hopefully, somewhat quieter, more tranquil days lie before us, time for us to reflect on the old year, to recall the good times – and the not-so-good times – and just possibly to learn from them what our own contribution was, what I could have done differently or perhaps better?


The Ampelparty on Wednesday, 30 November 2016 was a lot of fun – even though it was drizzling and chilling cold.

Bericht von der Halloween Party an der P23

Der Montag nach den Herbstferien begann dieses Jahr ein wenig anders als sonst. Viele schaurig verkleidete Kinder strömten in ihre Klassen und freuten sich auf einen Schultag mit ein bisschen Halloween Spirit. Gefeiert wurde in den Flex- Klassen, in einigen 3. und 4. Klassen und am Nachmittag wurde von den Pädagogen der 5ten und 6ten Klasse eine Halloween-Party organisiert.

Staffelteams unserer Schule gewinnen Platz 3 und 5 im Lauf gegen Rassismus

Am Freitag, 04.11.2016 starteten je ein Team der Grundschule und der Sekundarstufe im Lauf gegen Rassismus. Eingeladen hatte die Poelchau-Sportschule im Olympiapark, im Rahmen des Tages der Offenen Tür. Als langjähriges Mitglied im Berliner Netzwerk Schule ohne Rassismus – Schule mit Courage nahmen wir als Schule gerne diese Einladung an.

Ergebnisse vom Vattenfall Schul-Cup Cross-Lauf

Der Vattenfall Schul-Cup Cross-Lauf von Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf fand am 11. Oktober 2016 im Volkspark Jungfernheide statt. Es waren echte Crosslaufbedingungen, kühle Temperaturen, teils leichter Nieselregen und rutschige Bodenverhältnisse. Trotzdem herrschte tolle Stimmung sowohl im Team der Sekundarstufe als auch im Team der Grundschule.

New Head of School

Dear NMS Community,

Management and the School Conference of Nelson Mandela School are happy to welcome the new Head of School, Mr. Gerald Miebs.

He will join us after the Autumn Break.

On behalf of School Management

Ina Claussen

Opening of the Basketball Court NMS Primary

On Thursday, September 29th 2016, the new Basketball court at P23 was inaugurated. Special thanks went to all the parents represented by the parent representatives that made this project happen.

Erfolgreiches Abschneiden beim Staffeltag von Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf

Nach nur 1 Woche Schulzeit fand am 14. September der Staffeltag im Mommsenstadion statt. Mit dabei war ein Team der Sekundarstufe der Nelson-Mandela-Schule mit 31 Schülerinnen und Schülern. Gelaufen wurden die Staffeln über je 4 x 100 m und 3 x 800 m. Wir starteten in 11 von 12 Staffeln, belegten 7 x eine Top 3 Platzierung, erreichten davon 4 x Platz 1 oder 2.

IB Results and Statistics – May 2016

Results are in and we would like to congratulate the graduates on a job well done!  84% of NMS students received the diploma and the average score was 32 points.  This keeps us above the world average of 80% and 30 points.  The students that did not receive the diploma are already registered for retakes and I am confident, just as in years past, that they will successfully complete their exams.  This was the case last year as well.  The retakers received their diplomas giving the class of 2015 a passing rate of 95%!

The challenge now goes to the current students to keep the tradition going and the bar high. You can do it!

Message from the Management

Dear Parents, dear Students, dear Colleagues,

the first week of school has already flown by, and we think you would appreciate an up-date on how things are going at the NMS School.

The start of school ceremony – or Einschulung – for first graders was touching. We hope that all who attended enjoyed the festivities on Saturday, 10 September. The school team extends a warm welcome to all the new members. We are looking forward to working closeley with all of you to ensure the best possible educational experience for our students.

Pokémon Go! – Gotta Catch ‘Em All!

The summer is here and it’s time to go outside and enjoy the sunshine – or catch some little monsters. As Pokémon Go has become an overnight hit since its release less than two weeks ago, it may be good for kids and parents to get some background information. The game is fascinating and fun – but the first warnings on sites such as Common Sense and Medienratgeber ‘Schaut Hin!’ have already popped up, some for good reason.

Some advice on dealing the the Pokémon Go! phenomenon by NMS teacher and head of IT Annemieke Akkermans is below.

Message from the Deputy Head

Dear Nelson-Mandela-Community,

After 10 years at Nelson Mandela School, I will begin another posting from the 31st of August 2016 as school principal of the Paula-Fürst-Schule in Berlin-Charlottenburg.