
Initiative Car-free Zone at NMS Primary

Car free Zone at NMS Primary


On Tuesday, April 23, NMS is joining the nationwide School Street Spring Action Days hosted by Changing Cities e.V.! We're turning Pfalzburger Straße into a temporary school street.

From 07:30-08:15 a.m., the street will be car-free (yep, no honking in the morning rush!). This means a safer route for our little ones and a chance for them to enjoy a kid-friendly zone in front of the Primary school. We're spicing things up with some extra activities, like a Parents' Cafe hangout with live music and we’ve even invited press and politicians! 

Please don't forget to factor this in when dropping off your kids! Let's make it a smooth sailing morning for everyone.

This event is just the start. We're pushing to make this car-free morning a permanent thing. And it looks like Oliver Schruoffeneger (Charlottenburg/Wilmersdorf City Councillor) is on board with the plan! So, let's spread the word, show support, and keep that pressure on!

Questions about the car-free day, or about school traffic issues in general, can be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. gerichtet werden.