"Jugend debattiert" - The Grand Finale at the NMS
"Should girls and boys be taught separately?", "Should a mobile phone-free day be introduced at NMS?", "Should compulsory military service for men and women be introduced in Germany?" or "Should school trips only take place within Germany?"
The best teams from years 8-10 debated these important questions in German (partner or mother language) in front of their year groups in the Aula on 1.7.24 in the big intra-school "Jugend debattiert" final. The competition was moderated by Ananya and Lilith (both 10d) and Merle and Selma (both 10a).
At the end, the very competent jury (Alexandrine, Isabelle, Bendix and Hugo from 10b) announced the winners: In year 8, Henriette and Esther (8a) won in the mother tongue, Anandi und Ryan (8cd) in the partner language.
The school winners were Lynn and Richard (9a) in the mother tongue and Semi and Sophia (9cd) in the partner language. Congratulations on this great success!
We are already looking forward to the final rounds next school year, because the winners there will then represent NMS in the national "Jugend debattiert" competition.