Flex-6 Bundesjugendspiele (NMS Sports Day) 13. Juli 2017

Bilder von den Bundesjugendspielen für die Klassen Flex-6 am 13. Juli 2017.

Alle Fotos von Florian Lonicer.

IB results 2017 are in!

Congratulations! The IB results are in and the class of 2017 should be very proud.  The average point total for the class is 35.  That surpasses the world average by 5 points!  The graduates will be continuing their studies in:

  • Berlin, Germany
  • Bremen, Germany
  • Oxford, UK
  • Lancaster, UK
  • Bradford, UK
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • Cape Town, South Africa
  • Nairobi, Kenya
  • Amman, Jordan
  • Ontario, Canada
  • Riga, Latvia

just to name a few.  We wish the class all the best in pursuing their interests and studies.

Abi/IB Graduation 2017

Congratulations to all students who graduated in 2017!

Coding Workshop at NMS

NMS is preparing for the implementation of the new Basiscurriculum Medienbildung (media education) next school year. Teachers have attended workshops on this topic and the internal curriculum is nearly finished. One element that seems to have been forgotten in the Berlin curriculum is learning about algorithms and basic computer science, even though the KMK (Kultusministerkonferenz) clearly states that this is an important skill in the 21st century, one that has to be taught by German schools, starting in primary.

4e students win in TV show

Last Thursday, 6 July 2017, 4e students Carlo, Dennis and Leo participated in the TV show 1, 2, 3 and they fought for class 4e and won for the whole NMS!! The TV show will be broadcasted in December.

2. Long Night of Knowledge

Liebe Eltern,
am 30. Juni 2017 ab 18 Uhr wird in der Nelson-Mandela-Schule die 2. Long Night of Knowledge stattfinden. In Anlehnung an die Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, die in Berlin Tradition ist, möchten wir – die Lehrer und Schüler – ihnen interessante Beiträge zu Kultur und Naturwissenschaften präsentieren.

CAS Project: Creative learning lessons at a kindergarten

My name is Michèle and I'm a student from IB12. As a part of our IB program, we have to initiate and conduct a CAS project. For my CAS project I visited a kindergarten, where I regularly planned activities for the kids that all involved something educational. This was done as a part to prepare these children for their upcoming school life. The main topics that I had covered included shapes, colors, animals, seasons, and numbers. Those topics I took as a basis to plan out my activities. These all involved handicrafts because I strongly believe that combining some form of art with learning is the most efficient method for young children to gain knowledge and be excited about doing so.

SCI-NMS e.V. bei der 5 x 5 km TEAM-Staffel im Tiergarten

Beim Start mit unserem Schulsport-Verein (SCI-NMS e.V.) haben am 15.06.2017 unsere Schüler erfolgreich an der 18. Berliner Wasserbetriebe 5 x 5 km TEAM-Staffel im Tiergarten teilgenommen. Unser Sport Club International hatte sich mit zwei Staffeln an den Staffel-Läufen beteiligt. In die Gesamtwertung kamen dann auch die Staffeln vom 14. und vom 16. Juni.

The Primary School in Pfalzburger Str. 23 has a shiny new Mensa!

Our Art department, under the guidance of Mrs. Marion Aulinger and Mrs. Doris Schäfer, began to plan for this wonderful project in 2016. Mrs Birgit Kratzheller, a parent in the primary and an artist herself, helped organize it all. The Mensa used to be a very sad and barren space.  Now it beams with a fresh coat of paint, and paper-mâché pizzas and artistic wire sculptures hang from the ceiling, making lunch a brighter, more fun experience for the students.

During one weekend in May, students from 5a, especially Joshua Hyland and Anoush Wehlisch, along with parents and teachers, especially Annemieke Akkermanns, Kelly Stoner and Nathan Jones, painted the Mensa and completely re-decorated it.The decorative art was produced during the WUV course taught by Mrs Schäfer.

Among the parents who deserve special mention are Susanne Wehlisch, Eraine Judd and our GEV chair Paola Aliverti.The festive re-opening -with free pizza for all- took place on Monday, May 22, with many thanks to Z catering for making this happen.This is a great example of our school spirit at the NMS Primary, and I am truly grateful and happy that the project brought such amazing results.

On behalf of the entire team of helpers,
Ina Claussen

Pictures below!

Erfolgreiche Teilnahme am Wilmersdorfer Staffeltag

Am 10. Mai 2017 fand bei guten äußeren Bedingungen der Wilmersdorfer Staffeltag statt. Unser Schulteam startete als Titelverteidiger und Pokalsieger in die Staffelwettkämpfe über je 6 x 400 m.

Frederick Eichhorst, Year 12 student of NMS, youngest participant of Red Bull Youth America’s Cup

Frederick Eichhorst started school at NMS at age five in 2005 (the small pictures are from 2007). With six years Freddie (born Dec 1999) learned how to sail. After having been coached for several years by Florentine Baumann, who (besides her teaching job at NMS) voluntarily worked as district sailing coach for the Optimist Dinghy Class at Lake Wannsee, Frederick became the youngest participant of the International German Championship for Optimist in 2009. He successfully participated in many more national and international sailing regattas ranking top 10 of Germany’s Optimist sailors. After competing in the Olympic sailboat class 470 he soon searched for new challenges and in 2016 first tried out the foiling catamaran class.

NMS-Schülerin hält Unterrichtsstunde am Community Arts Centre in Mthatha, Südafrika

NMS-Schülerin Veza, 9b, war im April 2017 in intensivem Kontakt mit einer Kunstlehrerin der NMS Mvezo in Eastern Cape, Nthuthu Spelman, weil Veza in Absprache mit Fr. Baumann und Hr. Miebs plante, während einer Familienreise durch Südafrika an der NMS-Partnerschule in Mvezo eine Schulstunde zu halten. Das hat nicht geklappt, weil die NMS Mvezo derzeit durch schweres Fahrwasser geht und man dort schlichtweg übersehen hatte, dass Osterferien waren.

Über den Kontakt zu Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. wurde jedoch ein sehr angenehmer Bezug zum Community Arts Centre in Mthatha hergestellt. Dort hat Veza schließlich Anfang April eine Unterrichtsstunde zu den „Fibonacci-Zahlen und dem Bezug zur Kunst“ gehalten, die auf große Resonanz stieß.